The scariest thing we’ve seen in golf is this bobcat stalking the fairways in Arizona

There are enough things in golf to scare us: Forced carries, downhill five-footers and fried-egg lies to name a few. The last thing golfers want in the back of their minds are terrifying animals ready to attack you after you pipe one down the middle.

A member of our Golf Digest Places to Play courses page on Facebook posted the below video from a recent round at McDowell Mountain Golf Club in north Scottsdale. McDowell Mountain, acquired by Phil Mickelson a few years back, is one of the top public courses in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area with amazing views of the surrounding mountains.

It turns out golfers aren’t the only ones enjoying the incredible views at the golf course, as this video shows a different type of creature stalking the fairways on Monday . . .

One of the best things about golf is being immersed in nature. Just, you know, keep your head on a swivel out there. We’re sure the bobcat looks bigger in the video than it actually was in person. We’re sure animal people will tell us that bobcats won’t attack unless they’re provoked, etc. etc. But we’re still terrified.

Golfers in southern states are used to seeing gators on the golf course. Snakes are always a fear when you’re off the fairway in certain locales, too. Bears, too, especially up in Canada and more rural sports. 

OK, call this bobcat 2-A or 2-B to the mondo gators. Keep calm . . .


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