TaylorMade’s MyTP program allows you to personalize a TP putter with thousands of possible combinations

TaylorMade Golf was already offering personalization options in putters through its MySpider X custom putter program. Now, it is launching its MyTP program for those wishing to customize a blade putter as opposed to a mallet. The web-based program is easy to use if you’re the kind of person who can make up his or her mind about specs, paintfill colors and the like.

The personalization adventure starts with a choice of the Juno or Soto head style. Although both offer heel-toe weighting via two movable weights in the sole, the Juno features longer squared-off contours while the Soto boasts short rounded edges.

From there, the options are almost dizzying, providing thousands of possible combinations. Two head finishes, two hosel-style choices for each head, four characters of engraving on the heel and toe bumpers with 12 paintfill colors to choose from and five sightline options (again with a dozen paintfill choices). The face is the company’s hallmark Pure Roll insert but more paint options abound with nine choices. The back cavity badge can be selected from 10 different colors as well. Even the back cavity screws provide varying colors with eight options to pick from.

The sole weights are available in stainless steel, gun metal or copper and the TaylorMade logo on the weights can be personalized with 12 color choices as can the Juno or Soto logos. The shaft choice is between chrome and black. The length options range from 32 to 37 inches, and grips from SuperStroke, Lamkin and Golf Pride are available.

“We’re bringing an extensive level of personalization to a traditional line of blade putters, delivering an ideal blend of the classic and the modern,” said Bill Price, TaylorMade’s senior director of product creation for putters and wedges.


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